Ukraine Remains the Largest Supplier of Sunflower Seed Oil to the EU-27

Recent figures released by the EU Commission highlight that Ukraine continues to be the dominant supplier of sunflower seed oil to the European Union, even as the country faces a decline in feedstock supply compared to the previous year.In 2024, Ukraine accounted for the bulk of sunflower seed oil imports into the EU-27, maintaining a leading position despite various challenges impacting its agricultural sector. While Ukraine’s production and export volumes have decreased slightly from previous years, the country remains pivotal in the EU’s sunflower seed oil market.The decline in feedstock supply from Ukraine could be attributed to a combination of factors, including ongoing geopolitical tensions and supply chain disruptions. However, even with these obstacles, Ukraine continues to provide a significant share of the sunflower oil consumed within the European Union.This dominance in sunflower oil imports showcases Ukraine's crucial role in the European agricultural supply chain, making it a key player in the EU's food industry. As the EU explores alternative sources, the dependence on Ukrainian sunflower seed oil remains strong, underscoring both the challenges and opportunities facing the region in terms of food security and trade.